Policy Statement

This Health and Safety policy statement by PREMIER MASTER THATCHERS commits to ensuring, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of all its employees and any other person affected by our business activities.

The company will comply with the Health and Safety at work act 1974, the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 and all other relevant legislation, approved codes of practice which are relevant to our business activities.

A copy of this statement will be communicated to all PREMIER MASTER THATCHERS employees and further copies (if required by the client) can be displayed at places of work for information and reference purposes.

The company recognises that each employee is an asset and that risks to their health and safety must be identified, evaluated and controlled. PREMIER MASTER THATCHERS will provide safe systems of work, by carrying out specific risks assessments, this will benefit both the individual and the company to achieve a safe working environment.

The company will consult with their employees and other contractors/client on matters affecting their health & safety.

The company will provide information, instruction, training and supervision to ensure employees/contractors/self- employed are competent to carry out their activities safely.

The company will provide and maintain safe plant and equipment, and ensure the safe handling, usage and storage of any hazardous substances by providing COSHH assessments.

The company will ensure a safe and healthy working environment with adequate welfare facilities and arrangements.

The vision, values and beliefs of the business regarding health and safety will be communicated throughout the company by the proprietor.

This policy will be reviewed regularly and amended where necessary, particularly as the business changes in nature and size.

Ultimate responsibility and accountability for matters of health and safety and welfare rests with the proprietor of PREMIER MASTER THATCHERS. He will develop a culture supportive of health and safety to improve on a continuing basis control over risks to health and safety.

Director: Jamie Norris